
It was over forty years ago that Japan’s first chemical filter was released to the market by the development team of Puretec’s predecessor. Since then we have maintained a philosophy which is focused on making products beneficial to the world and have continued to pursue our core competence of air purification and environmental measures-related air control technology business built on the timely and reliable delivery of services carefully tailored to customer needs.

Moving forward, we are working to match our technology to market needs and to strengthen our isolator manufacturing-cultivated clean equipment technology in order to develop as a “total air solutions company” capable of accommodating customer needs in all industries. We are also expanding opportunities for our younger employees to contribute so that they inherit a positive, forward-looking corporate culture and grow as professionals capable of innovative thinking in developing new fields and meeting the specific needs of customers.

Moreover, we go about our business focused on “morality and compliance,” being aware of our responsibilities as a company to society and the environment. By maintaining a keen focus on air control technology that minimizes emissions of harmful materials, we will improve the wellbeing of not only people but all animal and plant life, and we will continue to grow as a company which contributes to environmental protection, human flourishing and production activity through its technological development.

Hiroyuki Tsugane, President

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